Journey through Scales

Video Thumbnail: The SMALLEST to the LARGEST Thing in The Universe – The Ultimate Size Comparison

In the vast expanse of cosmic dimensions, a three-story building looms, standing at 10 meters tall—six times the stature of our observer. Conversely, a diminutive squirrel scurries about, measuring a mere 27 centimeters—six times smaller than our focal point. It’s a microcosmic dance between macro and micro, unveiling a universe where relativity reigns.

Larger Than Life Scales

ObjectSize Relative to Observer
A320 Airplane23 times larger
Dinoponera Ant Nest55 times smaller
Burj Khalifa Tower500 times larger
Lisbon City6000 times larger
Earth7.7 million times larger
Sagittarius A* Black Hole14.5 billion times larger
Larger than Life

Microscopic Realms Scales

ObjectSize Relative to Observer
Skin Cell100,000 times smaller
Neutrophil200,000 times smaller
Red Blood Cell500,000 times smaller
Virus (West Nile)500 times smaller
DNA StrandA billion times smaller
Quarks in a Proton (Average)A quintillion times smaller
Microscopic Realms

Galactic Perspectives

Journey Through Scales From Kurzgesagt
ObjectSize Relative to Observer
Solar System22 trillion times larger
Milky Way GalaxyOne sextillion times larger
Observable Universe93 billion light-years
Galactic Perspectives

Quantum Realms and the Border of Knowledge

ObjectSize Relative to Observer
Planck LengthA hundred million times smaller
Squished Proton DiameterAlmost exactly 1 quadrillion times smaller
Quantum Realms and the Border of Knowledge

The human being finds themselves amidst the cosmic ballet, pondering whether they are but a minuscule part of a grand superstructure or a significant cell in the tapestry of human civilization. As the scales unravel, the universe appears finely tuned, leaving the onlooker in awe of the delicate equilibrium that sustains existence.

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Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

The information provided in the summary is based on content from the YouTube channel “Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell.” Kurzgesagt is known for its engaging and educational animated videos that explore a wide range of scientific and philosophical topics. The channel has garnered a significant following for its distinctive style and informative content. The original video can be found on the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel.

Source : Kurzgesagt

Source : The SMALLEST to the LARGEST Thing in The Universe – The Ultimate Size Comparison
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