May 1, 2024
Students may feel pressured to choose a particular stream based on their parents' expectations or peer influence, rather than their own interests and abilities.
Image Source: TNN
Many students may not have a clear idea about their future career goals, making it challenging to select a stream aligned with their aspirations.
Image Source: TNN
The fear of making the wrong decision and its potential consequences can lead to indecisiveness and anxiety among students.
Image Source: TNN
Some students may not be aware of all the available streams and their respective subjects, limiting their ability to make an informed choice.
Image Source: TNN
Balancing personal interests with aptitude can be difficult for students who may be passionate about a subject but lack the necessary skills or vice versa.
Image Source: TNN
Students may feel pressured to choose streams perceived as more academically prestigious or offering better career prospects, even if they're not genuinely interested in those subjects.
Image Source: TNN
Societal norms and stereotypes can influence students' perceptions of different streams, leading to biases and reluctance to pursue certain subjects.
Image Source: TNN
Inadequate guidance and counseling services in schools can leave students feeling lost and unsupported in making such a crucial decision.
Image Source: TNN
Financial considerations may also play a significant role in stream selection, especially if certain streams require expensive coaching classes or resources.
Image Source: TNN
Students may experience FOMO, fearing that they will miss out on opportunities or regret their decision if they choose one stream over another.
Image Source: TNN
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