Jul 6, 2024
From brightly coloured Neon Tetras to bottom dwellers Corydoras Catfish, here we list down 10 peaceful fish species that are well-suited for community home aquariums.
Neon Tetras are small, brightly coloured, peaceful schooling fishes. They are known for their distinct blue and red colour and should be kept in a group of six or more fish.
Another peaceful schooling fish is the Harlequin Rasbora. They are identified by a distinct black mark on their bright orange bodies. They are peaceful and get along well with other species.
Corydoras Catfish are peaceful, schooling, bottom dwellers that help keep the tank clean. They are quite social and do best in a group of six or more.
Guppies are small, active and colourful fishes. They are easy to care for and compatible with many other peaceful fish species in home aquariums.
Platies are hardy and adaptable aquarium fish. They get along well with other community fish.
Small, colourful, and peaceful, Cherry Barbs are schooling fishes. They can get along well with other non-aggressive fish.
Dwarf Gourami are peaceful and relatively easy to care for. They can be kept with other small, peaceful fish in aquariums.
Zebra Danios are active and hardy fishes. They are generally peaceful and should be kept in a group of six or more.
Mollies are hardy and easy-to-breed fish species. They are peaceful, and hence compatible with other fishes of similar size and temperament.
Swordtails are active and adaptable. They are peaceful and get along well with other community fish in aquariums.
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