This web story unlocks 10 self-evaluation tips to dominate your next performance review. From gathering evidence to setting SMART goals, learn how to showcase your achievements and propel your professional development.
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Start by reviewing your job description and past performance reviews. Refresh your memory on your goals and expectations.
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Don't rely on memory alone. Keep track of your accomplishments throughout the year. This could include project reports, client testimonials, or data showcasing your impact.
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Acknowledge your achievements, but don't shy away from areas for improvement. Demonstrate self-awareness and a willingness to learn.
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Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible. Did you increase sales by 15%? Streamline a process that saved the company time? Use numbers to showcase your value.
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Did you encounter a setback on a project? Explain what you learned from the experience and how you'll use that knowledge to improve in the future.
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Outline specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for the upcoming review period. This demonstrates initiative and a commitment to growth.
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Don't wait for the review to gather feedback. Talk to colleagues, clients, or your manager throughout the year to gain valuable insights.
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Before the review, rehearse what you want to say. This will help you articulate your thoughts clearly and confidently.
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This is a two-way conversation. Be prepared to discuss your manager's feedback and collaborate on setting goals for the future.
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Approach your review with a positive and proactive mindset. Highlight your progress and express your enthusiasm for continued success.
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