[ad_1] 8 Japanese study techniques that boost productivity

8 Japanese study techniques that boost productivity

TOI Education

May 14, 2024

Shoshin - Beginner's Mind

Shoshin - Beginner's Mind

This isn't just about starting fresh. Shoshin emphasizes approaching every study session with curiosity and a willingness to learn, even from familiar topics. This fosters deeper understanding and keeps you engaged.

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5S for Studying

Adapt the 5S method (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) to your study space. Declutter your desk (Seiri), arrange your study materials logically (Seiton), and keep your workspace clean (Seiso) to minimize distractions. Standardize a study routine (Seiketsu) that fits your schedule, and create systems to maintain this organization (Shitsuke) for long-term success.

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Kanban for Studying

Visualize your study progress with a Kanban board. List topics on cards and move them across columns labeled "To Learn," "In Progress," and "Mastered." This provides a clear roadmap and a sense of accomplishment as you move cards forward.

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Itaewon Method

This unique method uses flashcards with a twist. Write your question or concept on one side and the answer on the back, along with additional details or elaborations you uncover during your studies. This reinforces learning and encourages active recall.

Image Source: Canva

Muda, Mura, Muri - Waste, Unevenness, Overload

Identify and eliminate these three productivity killers in your studies. Muda refers to wasted time or effort (mindlessly rereading). Mura is unevenness in study pace (cramming before exams). Muri is overload (taking on too much at once). Analyze your study habits and make adjustments to streamline your process.

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Forest Bathing - Step away from the books and immerse yourself in nature. Shinrin-Yoku, the practice of forest bathing, reduces stress and improves focus. Take a study break for a mindful walk in nature to recharge and enhance your learning.

Image Source: Canva

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Ikigai - Reason for Being

Connect your studies to your purpose. Ikigai is the intersection of passion, mission, vocation, and profession. Find a way to tie your studies to your larger goals and motivations. This injects meaning and fuels perseverance.

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Wanpaku - Playful Learning

Make learning fun! Wanpaku translates to "playful" or "naughty" child. Incorporate games, puzzles, or interactive activities related to your studies. This keeps you engaged and helps retain information more effectively.

Image Source: Canva

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