[ad_1] People with these attitudes can't get rich, as per Chanakya

Jun 30, 2024

People with these attitudes can't get rich, as per Chanakya



Chanakya, also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, was a famous ancient Indian philosopher and advisor. He is known for his timeless wisdom in statecraft and economics. Here we list some attitudes that can prevent people from becoming successful and rich, according to Chanakya.



Chanakya believed that only proactive people can get rich in life. He emphasised the importance of hard work and diligence.



Chanakya warned that people who procrastinate miss out on opportunities and projects, and also money. Whereas, successful people are known for seizing opportunities and working on them.


Lack of discipline

Chanakya believed that without discipline, people will indulge in short-term pleasures and lose out on long-term success. In the workplace, this would lead to financial loss.


Fear of failure

Fear of failure can sometimes prevent people from taking necessary risks and this makes people complacent. But Chanakya said that for people to be successful, they should get out of their comfort zone and face challenges.


Ignorance and lack of knowledge

Chanakya always placed a very high value on education and knowledge. Ignorance or lack of knowledge can lead to people making poor decisions, thus missing out on opportunities and being successful.


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Over indulgence

Overindulgence in any pleasures, be it excessive spending or leading a luxurious life, can lead to loss of money. Chanakya advised that people should spend money in moderation, and make wiser financial decisions.


Negative thinking

Chanakya believed that people who have a negative mindset attract negative outcomes, thus hindering their success.


Lack of strategic planning

Chanakya was a master strategist and he believed in the power of careful planning and execution. Similarly, wealth creation also requires setting clear goals and working towards it.


Dependence on others

Chanakya emphasised being self-reliant and responsible for yourself. Wealth, too, is often achieved through a person's initiative and hardwork. Depending on others could lead to a lack of personal growth.



Chanakya believes that being persistent and consistent helps in reaching any significant goal. When applied to one's work, it could help them be successful and earn more money.


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